Was drifted away and away from the training schedule due to Eid celebrations (alasan!) I only started the second training today.
Today's running plan :
3 minutes run
1 minute walk
10 rounds
Except for a gorgeous morning, I didnt met any other running soul - however, I passed on many cyclists. Okay, not. Correction. Many cyclists cycle past me.
While passing a row of bungalows, saw this persian cat that was about to answer the nature's call. When I autobeeline to him, he meowed and was very friendly when I patted his head. This is probably a very mundane thing to report to you, but is a very important thing to me. My alarm hitting me to start running, i cant stay longer to pet that gorgeous being. Bye bye cat. I hope I ll see you again in next two days. If you happen to have a single, handsome owner, drag him along next time.
Moving forward, about 4 weeks left before the event....
the cat is the highlight for this post